I haven't uploaded the pics from KK yet, so let's have a belated update (which is nothing new for this blog here). Yeayyy, we went to Pusat Sains Negara!! We pass by the place almost every week on the way to TokMa's house in PJ, so it's a convenient stop-by.
The place could have been maintained better, but I still think it was one of the better places to bring a young kid like me, and we had so much fun. There were a lot of interactive displays, a lot of buttons to press, a lot of fun things to look at, and a lot of ground to cover in such a huge place. Oh yeah, and they're really educational too.
And at only RM6 per adult entry, it doesn't cost a bomb at all. Actually, it could have been RM4 with the J-card that we have, but Baba noticed the J-card notice quite too late, and the cashier lady was all "sori la encik, saya dah print dah tiket ni, so kene laa bayar harga penuh". Jeezzz..
We were greeted by a large tunnel aquarium with a LOT of really huge fishes that would put the very expensive aquaria to shame. They even did a fish feeding session with a scuba diver while we were there, but because there's so much ground to cover, Umi decided just to skip it.
Unfortunately Umi and Baba forgot to charge the camera before deciding to come here, so we only managed to take a few pics before the battery went kaput. We also didn't stay around for long and skipped some of the displays cos Umi and Baba was getting hungry, and so was I. So here's just some of the pics we managed to snap there.

in my element at the table of elements

getting a tan at the core of the sun

oh no! I've got short legs and a really long face! nahh, it's just the distortion in the mirror..

the mascots are named PenyuCurie, AntStein and Gajalileo... and people say we Malaysians lack imagination
We'd definitely go there again some other time, perhaps when I can actually LEARN something rather than just run around and having Umi and Baba chase me all over the place.