7 of tokPa&tokMa's grandchildren (plus 2 of my aunties)
diorg ni dah besa pun nak kene pegang

okay, picture time's over... first to the toy gets it!!

(soon after that, I got my own!! weeeee...)
We also learnt that Tia's going to move to Kuantan next year. That means cousins Ikie, Miza, Faiez and Sarah are all going too!! Aaaawww.. I was just thinking about forming a 'girl power' trio with cousin Sarah & cousin Nadyne (you know, to play masak-masak, rumah-rumah, barbie doll and the likes). Now that plan's down the drain...
On the other hand, I'm also looking forward to visiting them and having a good time on the beach in Kuantan soon. With them going to Kuantan and Aimar in Japan, that leaves me and cousin Nadyne to bring down the house during weekends.. w00t!!
eeda, thanks very much for the advice, keep me strong to move forward, i will continue giving her my best, for now aku campur la FM and BF, otherwise fatiha nangis kelaparan, but i dont know for how long..
don't give up!!.. insya Allah, kalau Allah mengizinkan ade laaa susu tu...
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