Aug 28, 2008
you're invited
I know this is quite last minute, but you are all invited for Nadhrah's small little majlis on this Sunday, 31st August 2008.
If you know Umi or Baba, or if you don't know them but wanna get to know them, or if you have a baby who wanna get to know Nadhrah, or if you just like to read this blog... you are all welcome to come.
Just be sure to drop an RSVP to either Umi or Baba as the number above, or drop an email to babynadhrah, so that we know you're coming.
There will be a FREE body scan analysis, as my very own Tia will be opening a wellness evaluation booth.
p/s: don't forget my birthday prezento!! :)
Aug 25, 2008
how to become an olympic champion
The Olympics have just ended. We have seen during the previous weeks how the amazing human capability in sports enables these few people reach the very summit of sporting achievement.
This year's Olympics sure provided some memorable moments for the watching world. Micheal Phelps swam like a fish in the water en route to 7 world records and an unprecedented 8 golds in one games and 14 overall. Usain Bolt ran like the wind to break three world records, and still had the time to look effortless with some chest-thumping before his 100m race is over. And there's our very own Chong Wei, making our heart beat with a rubber-game win in the semi-final over the Korean to confirm a medal for Malaysia (well, the final certainly wasn't memorable).
So here I'm gonna give some tips on how to become a great Olympic champion and how each and everyone of us can reach the very peak on human sporting achievement :

Eat and drink well. What you eat and drink is what your body will be. Eat healthily from all the food pyramid. Some athletes may need to grow and stregthen their muscles a bit for their atheleticism, but for some others - like the gymnasts or divers - it's their flair and flexibility thay may count.

Prepare, train, warm up, stretch your whole body before any sporting session. This is essential to make sure that your body is in the right state to receive the extra strain and extra work of high energy activity. Don't forget to worm down afterwards too because it is as important as warming up.

A good rest will ensure that your body and mind is in a right state. And that is very important in sports, where you have to be at your best every time. Everybody have their own ideal sleeping time, and some do sleep more than others. Just remember to get enough sleep because all the hard work deserves a good rest at the end of the day.

Start early. Get into the swimming pool, or running track, or court, or double beams, or trampoline when you are still young and your body can still take the blows of sports. Do bear in mind, though, that you can only start competing in Olympics when you're over 16.

Stay off drugs.. it's the number one most important tip I can give. Enough said. (I'm just taking my vaccination here, okay...)
So you can try and follow my tips here, and maybe, just maybe you can end up as an Olympic champion, and get that Datukship, and that RM1 million, and RM5000 in monthly pension for the rest of your life...
This year's Olympics sure provided some memorable moments for the watching world. Micheal Phelps swam like a fish in the water en route to 7 world records and an unprecedented 8 golds in one games and 14 overall. Usain Bolt ran like the wind to break three world records, and still had the time to look effortless with some chest-thumping before his 100m race is over. And there's our very own Chong Wei, making our heart beat with a rubber-game win in the semi-final over the Korean to confirm a medal for Malaysia (well, the final certainly wasn't memorable).
So here I'm gonna give some tips on how to become a great Olympic champion and how each and everyone of us can reach the very peak on human sporting achievement :

Eat and drink well. What you eat and drink is what your body will be. Eat healthily from all the food pyramid. Some athletes may need to grow and stregthen their muscles a bit for their atheleticism, but for some others - like the gymnasts or divers - it's their flair and flexibility thay may count.

Prepare, train, warm up, stretch your whole body before any sporting session. This is essential to make sure that your body is in the right state to receive the extra strain and extra work of high energy activity. Don't forget to worm down afterwards too because it is as important as warming up.

A good rest will ensure that your body and mind is in a right state. And that is very important in sports, where you have to be at your best every time. Everybody have their own ideal sleeping time, and some do sleep more than others. Just remember to get enough sleep because all the hard work deserves a good rest at the end of the day.

Start early. Get into the swimming pool, or running track, or court, or double beams, or trampoline when you are still young and your body can still take the blows of sports. Do bear in mind, though, that you can only start competing in Olympics when you're over 16.

Stay off drugs.. it's the number one most important tip I can give. Enough said. (I'm just taking my vaccination here, okay...)
So you can try and follow my tips here, and maybe, just maybe you can end up as an Olympic champion, and get that Datukship, and that RM1 million, and RM5000 in monthly pension for the rest of your life...
Aug 21, 2008
Aug 14, 2008
looking back
20/8/2007, 4am : 38-weeks pregnant Umi suddenly had a leak of water in the middle of the night. Baba was woken up, and the both of them decided to go to the medical center, although Umi was not feeling any pain or contraction. Once we got into the labour room though, Umi was only about 1cm dilated, so we checked into the ward.
20/8/2007, 9am : The gynae came and checked, but still there was little progress on the dilation. Umi and Baba waited patiently in the ward, with Baba busy going back and forth to get a bath, food etc.
20/8/2007, 4pm : It was decided that it was safe to go back home to rest. The leak was a false alarm, and not the water breaking.
20/8/2007, 10pm : The contraction started coming in intervals of 10 minutes each.
21/8/2007, 12mn : Umi was having a hard time to getting some rest and sleep with the contraction coming swiftly, and we decided to head to the doctors again. However, by now we're all well prepared with all the stuff to bring along. Having the medical center just a 5-minute drive from home also helps a lot.
21/8/2007, 12.05am : At the labour room, Umi was only 3cm dilated. Needing 7 more centimeters, with each centimeter coming every hour, we knew we're gonna have a long night. Although it was good that we could spend it in the ward rather than in the labour roon. Umi couldn't get any sleep, so she asked for some injection (pethidine) that would soon make her drowsy. No epidural, though. And Baba would soon hurt his neck trying to sleep on the small little chair.
21/8/2007, 6am : Baba woke up for his morning prayer. After finishing, Umi was already in the labour room, all ready to deliver. 9 cm dilated, we still had to wait for another hour. Baba spent the time reciting verses of the Quran for her loved ones.
21/8/2007, 7.40am : After pushing and pushing, and with one last final push, a 2.5kg baby girl was born. Due to the effects of medicine, the baby was also drowsy, not crying, purple-blue in colour and could not immediately learn to breath. Luckily the doc was quick to react to the nurses' incompetencies of resuscitating the baby and switching on the oxygen tank at the same time. The doc had to cut short her job of collecting the cord blood for St*mLi*e to attend to the baby and magically make her cry of the most beautiful sound of crying. Baba gave the azan and iqamah, and here I am, baby Nadhrah Azzahra!!

a few minutes after coming out to see the world

i'm a girl!! and i'm a muslim!!

no problem in enclosed places

learning how to 'jelir lidah' so soon in the incubator

newborn mittens and diapers are too big for me

face all red (and yellow-ish)

sedapnye tido kene bungkus dulu (kalau skrg kene bungkus mesti tak bes.. tido buas sgt laa bes)

sleeping soundly in the presence of teddy bears
1 more week to my birthday!!
20/8/2007, 9am : The gynae came and checked, but still there was little progress on the dilation. Umi and Baba waited patiently in the ward, with Baba busy going back and forth to get a bath, food etc.
20/8/2007, 4pm : It was decided that it was safe to go back home to rest. The leak was a false alarm, and not the water breaking.
20/8/2007, 10pm : The contraction started coming in intervals of 10 minutes each.
21/8/2007, 12mn : Umi was having a hard time to getting some rest and sleep with the contraction coming swiftly, and we decided to head to the doctors again. However, by now we're all well prepared with all the stuff to bring along. Having the medical center just a 5-minute drive from home also helps a lot.
21/8/2007, 12.05am : At the labour room, Umi was only 3cm dilated. Needing 7 more centimeters, with each centimeter coming every hour, we knew we're gonna have a long night. Although it was good that we could spend it in the ward rather than in the labour roon. Umi couldn't get any sleep, so she asked for some injection (pethidine) that would soon make her drowsy. No epidural, though. And Baba would soon hurt his neck trying to sleep on the small little chair.
21/8/2007, 6am : Baba woke up for his morning prayer. After finishing, Umi was already in the labour room, all ready to deliver. 9 cm dilated, we still had to wait for another hour. Baba spent the time reciting verses of the Quran for her loved ones.
21/8/2007, 7.40am : After pushing and pushing, and with one last final push, a 2.5kg baby girl was born. Due to the effects of medicine, the baby was also drowsy, not crying, purple-blue in colour and could not immediately learn to breath. Luckily the doc was quick to react to the nurses' incompetencies of resuscitating the baby and switching on the oxygen tank at the same time. The doc had to cut short her job of collecting the cord blood for St*mLi*e to attend to the baby and magically make her cry of the most beautiful sound of crying. Baba gave the azan and iqamah, and here I am, baby Nadhrah Azzahra!!

a few minutes after coming out to see the world

i'm a girl!! and i'm a muslim!!

no problem in enclosed places

learning how to 'jelir lidah' so soon in the incubator

newborn mittens and diapers are too big for me

face all red (and yellow-ish)

sedapnye tido kene bungkus dulu (kalau skrg kene bungkus mesti tak bes.. tido buas sgt laa bes)

sleeping soundly in the presence of teddy bears
1 more week to my birthday!!
Aug 7, 2008
of names and books
Baby names nowadays can get so... wow. I don't have a word for it. Gone are the days when our parents name us simple names, and it seems like we are outdoing each other in giving unique names to our babies.
Not so cool now : Jamilah, Rahimah, Rokiah, Hashim, Hassan, Kassim
So cool right now : Danish, Qistina, Seth, Ryan, Mikhael, Daniel
Well, all is well and fine, as long as you don't go all outrageous and name your baby Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii!!
I find that I love books right now. It's not the reading actually, it's the lively colourful pictures that I'm so into. And they're not exactly books, they're... magazines. Weehooo!! Less than one-year-old and my favourite magazine right now is.. Pa&Ma. What's not to like about it? It's colourful, with lots of baby pictures in it! And it's readily available cos Umi used to buy lots and lots of them. Now Umi's not reading them anymore, it's my turn to read them (and shred and drool on and tear them apart!!). Doesn't matter, put the Pa&Ma in front of me and I can get distracted for many minutes (well, not hours)...
Umi need to buy me some books. But I'm not that into hard-paged children books. Any books you can recommend?
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