We went to visit Umi's good friend Auntie Faridah and her baby girl, Nur Aisyah. She's based in Ipoh now where she works somewhere in Perak (I forgot exactly where cos it keeps changing.. hehe), but Auntie Faridah was around back in her house in Ampang this time so off we went to visit my new playfriend. The main reason was also to give her a brand new car seat courtesy of all the generous uncles and aunties of KMYS2000.

isn't she cute?
When we got there I was actually fast asleep. I continued to sleep when Umi and Baba brought me inside the house. Baby Aisyah was also asleep by then.

we both continued to be in dreamland while the adults were all talking

then baby Aisyah got up and Umi tried to refresh her infant-carrying-skills (quite awkwardly, I have to say)
But after a while I got up all scared not knowing where exectly where I was. Then to calm me down, Baba took one of the few toys available over there, and soon I was all playing with
Mater from

I've got Mater.. who cares?

Umi sharing some pearls of motherhood wisdom with the new mommy (heheh)

We have to say that the hosts were very hospitable. Even baby Aisyah greeted us very warmly.

soon they will be able to enjoy their new car seat
faridah, if you are reading this, congratssss!!! :D
to baby nadhrah, sorry ek aunty elly use this spot to get connected with aunty faridah. hohoho ;)
faridah pregnant pon aku tatau... congrats!!.. seronok ader baby girl :D
btw eeda, ko tau ker malin ader twins! sepasang plak tuh..
hi have a nice day.. looking for wallpapers for your house? or your friends/relative interested, visit my blog!
ellyWong: takpe... bole jek..
uj3x: leerr mesti laaa aku tau malin dpt twins.. she is one of my best buddies laaa... aku dah visit die dah.. will update about it later..huhu.. blog nadhrah ni news agak delay skit...
to ellyWong & uj3x, if you happen to be in Malaysia.. please please inform us.. there is a special gift for insyirah & umayr...
Kak dah!! harap dia bace blog ni, tak tau balik kl, kalau tak insyaAllah boleh jenguk baby
Eeda...Tq for the lovely entry...
Elly..tq for the wish....anak2 kita bleh jadi kawan....:)
Mira...Insya Allah, ada rezeki kiter jumpa....
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