To enter the contest, all we need to do is buy some baby stuff from the baby section at Jusco totalling above RM30 in single receipt. Umi had in mind to get a mosquito net for my playpen together with the mosquito net stand. The one we are using now is the stretch type which came together with the playpen. Now it's getting too stretched and keeps on coming to my face when I'm asleep. However, we couldn't find any at Jusco, so Umi just bought some simple stuff to make the RM30 mark, which included - a rubber duck (I never had one before), small talcum powder, small baby bath and baby wipes.
So on to the photogenic baby contest. After submitting our forms, we had to wait a while as the photographer and DJ were out for lunch. There weren't too many people there at that time, so we just hang around there waiting for the photo session. However, once the photo session was about to start, parents and their babies started to gather around the place and the place got crammed with people.
Then it's my turn... omg!! I'm so nervous!! and I'm so... sleepy...

hello mr bunny

I managed one happy smile...

then I got too sleepy for a photoshoot

Umi and the photographer trying to get a smile from me

change of position... I'm too tired to sit

but still no smile from me

It's ok, sayang... you'll always be my cute little baby
Then after some nenen & a short nap on my stroller, I'm back to my bubbly old self...
Of course, we don't really hope of being in the final. It was all just for fun - although winning hundreds of ringgit worth of shooping vouchers won't be so bad. More pictures here, including our jalan2 & makan time at Sunway Pyramid.
p/s: But I can still win the happy moments if you keep on voting for my video or blog!!
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