Umi and Baba's friends took the time to come, and I hope they had a good time, cos we certainly did. Especially because a few of my playfriends was there, and the place became like a small nursery with babies crawling and playing all over the place. So let's introduce the babies :

baby adam mikhael

baby seth haiqal

baby muhammad danish miqael

baby izz amin

elana jasmine (she's no longer a baby)
Special thanks to Mami for the very tempting to look at and very delicious birthday cake.
And Tia took the time to open up a wellness evaluation booth where people can get a free body scan analysis. I hope she got some prospective clients from there...
After everything's finished, then of course came the time for me to open all my presents yeayy!!
Again, I would like to thank everyone who made it such a fun, memorable event, from the people at PJ and the whole family to Umi and Baba's friends and all the babies who, I'll be waiting for their birthday parties soon!

thanks to daddy hQ & daddy adam for the wonderful pics from their DSLRs
you can view the whole set of pictures here
mintaq maaf and ampun sangat. it was very rude of me for not replying to ur email. mase baca ur email i was down with high baca je tak larat nk reply. tot nak reply nanti2 but smpai sudah tak ter-reply.
hands very occupied with the newborn and 2 lil rascals.
thanks again for the invitation and we are very sorry that we couldnt make it. i was not in good shape mase tu.
hAppy belated birthday to Nadhrah and yes the cake really looks yummy!!!
btw, yang slide and swing in the photo tu kn, i saw kat just wondering is it durable to put it outdoor? i tgh cari something tahan cuaca...
mommy of triplets:
it's ok.. i understand your situation..
the slide and swing was bought by Nadhrah's aunt, Mummy Alma for her son (Nadhrah's cousin, Aimar).. She bought it at Giant for rm300++.. Sometimes we do put it outside.. but under the shades.. not sure how durable it is with our unpredictable weather..
the cake looks delish *yumm* rumah nadhrah mcm playgroup pun ada masa party ni !
so...u r officially a toddler now eh? ;) hoorayy!
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