The birthday party deco was simple and nice, and there was a lot of orange balls everywhere all over the place. I was too shy to play with Kakak Elana and she was also busy with all the birthday activities and her other relatives, but we had some friendly encounters.

hello kakak elana...

yeayy bola!! bole masuk mulut!!

birthday girl, make a wish...

i wish i will get a younger brother/sister soon...!!

hmmm... bile laa saya nak dapat birthday present ni..

showing off my (half-)crawling skillz
As usual, more pictures here
1 comment:
hye nadhrah...
comeiinya dia...
knapa gmbar auntie dian tak ada ni..
**nahdrah, bgtau ayah nadhrah, kalau nak tgk gmbr elana n ada lar satu gmbar baba nadhrah tu(kecik jer sbnrnya.. huhu), suh dia g kat page ni -->
hehe =)
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