my playful Baba

who I can rest on his shoulder

looking forward to many many years of fun together with my Baba
One day after that, we received some bad news. Cik @ TokPa's mum @ Baba's grandma @ my moyang had passed away peacefully of old age in Terengganu. Cik had been bedridden for the past year or so, and for the past few weeks had refused to eat and relied on drips. TokPa & TokMa went back to Terengganu the day before, right after they came back from Japan. TokMa said it was as if she had been waiting for TokPa to come back home to see her before she goes. Baba had to rush from work and join AyahNgah & ChuNa for the trip back to Terengganu. They didn't manage to attend the funeral, but they went to the grave the morning after.
Semoga Allahyarhamah Wan Lijah binti Ahmad digolongkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan diredhai Allah.
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