4 reasons why I want an iPad for my Umi
My Umi owns a blog and an online store, without having her own laptop...
Umi used to own a laptop back in her uni days 5-6 years ago, which is now totally broken. Since then, Umi have been depending on her company’s (not her own company, a company that she worked with) laptop for work and, occasionally, personal matters. But now after her 4th job hopping experience, she's in a position where she can only get a desktop PC instead of a laptop. Boohoo.. After all those years feeling mobile, now Umi is stuck with a desktop which is impossible to bring home to do her ‘unofficial’ work.. huhu… When it comes to purchasing something, she always rethink whether she needs to spend a huge sum of money for herself instead of her family. She is very careful with her personal finances (thanks to tips from MySuperKids, no less), and never buys something out of impulse. In the end, she would always save the money for something else that can benefit everyone, especially me. Baba has an old laptop running on Windows XP 97 but it is a slowmo machine that really tests your patience in this age of fast computing. It takes minutes to startup, and editing photos or designing graphics in this machine is impossible without the machine hanging. Most of the time Umi would give up on using that old laptop, and will usually sneak her unofficial work during working hours… huhu..
It will be great if I can win the iPad for Umi, so that she can update my blog more regularly and don’t have to use her office desktop sneakily during working hours… (hopefully her boss don’t come across this entry..)

broken laptop
My Umi is a frequent traveller who had to bring 3-4 bags every weekend...
Eventhough we don’t go overseas that often or shall I say never since my existence, but we have our weekly trips to Mama’s place at PJ during weekends. Packing and unpacking is a weekly thing for Umi. If there is a need to use the laptop, Baba had to bring his work laptop which is an additional bag for our weekly trip. Carrying the 3-4 bags weekly from our high-rise home to the parking lot is tiring. And if suddenly we decided to stop by at Digital Mall or anywhere else for that matter, then Baba had to bring along his laptop to avoid from uncivilized Malaysians smashing the car window to steal the laptop. What a hassle, right?
It will feel light like floating in the air if I can win an iPad for Umi, so that we can travel light and she can always slip in the iPad in her chic purple sling bag.

heavy bags
My Umi is passionate in trying new recipes, and she keeps a growing pile of printed recipes in her kitchen drawer...
Umi loves to cook & bake, especially for me. As I grew a year older, I’m becoming a more and more picky eater. Now Umi always try different style of cooking and recipes so that I won’t get bored with food. She tried to make me bento for school, with eggs and carrots looking like rabbits and penguins. Every single morning, Umi will cook lunch & dinner for me without fail. For breakfast, sometimes Baba will stop by the roadside to buy me Nasi Lemak or some kuih on the way.
It will be superlicious if I can win the iPad for Umi, so that she can save all her recipes neatly and search for excellent recipes instantly, especially when she has no idea what to cook at 6 o’clock in the morning.

pile of recipes
My Umi is the best, and I love her so much...
I love Umi so much, as she has taken care of me with so much love, dedication and sacrifices all these years... She was never away from me for more than a day, until she had to go outstation when I was 2 years old. She would tuck me to bed every night until I fell asleep, soothing me with plenty of bedtime stories. She would teach me the ABC and the alif ba ta to make sure I will become a clever and knowledgeable girl.
It will be fantastic if I can win the iPad for Umi, so that we can share more of our loving moments together.
i love my Umi
Oh, I also want an iPad for my Umi....... so that I get to play some cool games on it!!

i want an iPad!
“Artikel ini ditulis sebab saya mengidam iPad percuma MySuperKids. Sertai Bengkel Adsense di laman web buat duit online & mulakan gaya hidup sihat dengan vitamin semulajadi ShakleeTrialPack”
Bestnya entry. 1 vote for you. Main vote2 ka? Hehe.. Ada judge kan.. Nanti dah menang, kasi pinjam ya.
hehe.. thanks... takde voting system... solely by judge decision.. do visit babynadhrah's blog often..
hehe.. thanks... takde voting system... solely by judge decision.. do visit babynadhrah's blog often..
semoga berjaya..
menarik!so sweet nk ipad utk umi.ingt anaknya umo berapa rupanya baru 2 thn..umi..umi..hehhee
eh bukan 2thn Hanum... nadhrah will be turning 4 yo this year...
There have been many articles recently on demand online iPads free and you can get one delivered to your home. Well folks, I did my homework and I can tell you that the free distribution IPAD is actually the real deal.
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