Since it was Friday, Baba had to go for his Friday prayers. So we wasted no time in going straight to the baby section - particularly strollers - in Jusco. Umi had a particular liking to a certain stroller while in Sogo, so she wanted to get that one straight away in mind. But Jusco didn't have the green colour that we saw at Sogo. They only had blue and orange. And after fold-testing the particular stroller, it seemed like it would be a bit bulky for the car too. So we couldn't make a decision yet and Baba had to go for the prayers, so Umi and me was left to wander around OU.

I want a new stroller... new stroller... new stroller...

is that gonna be my new stroller?

close up..

close up lagi...

warrgghh... another close up!!
When Baba got back from his Friday prayers, we decided to go to Toys 'R' Us. Yeayyy!! I love all the colourful toys over there. Last time we went to the Toys 'R' Us in Mid Valley, there was another green stroller that Umi had her eyes fixed on. So let's see whether I get a new stroller here....

this is the one... Esprit stroller

so Baba?? can I have one?? pleaaaseee..

hmm.. what about matching Esprit playpen??
While they're looking at the stroller, why don't I go enjoy all the colours...
While I'm doing this, what are they doing over there...
And finally... ta-daa!!

Yeayy!! Nadhrah has a brand new Esprit stroller!! (and the soon-to-be-discarded old one)

say thanks to Baba (although it was Umi's credit card that got swiped...)

it's kinda spacious in here...
So now I have a new stroller... Umi & Baba, you have to take me jalan-jalan every week, OK?? Weehoooo!!
alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! sweetnyeeeeeeee. eeeiii eiiii.. geramnyaaaaa !
huggy huggy her for me ok dear mummy ? =D
Thank God!!! Finally the journey and expedition to find a new stroller come to an end. Hehe... The green colour really match her.... SO GREEN in this world. Yata!!!! u still using tat esprit stroller...actually im looking for tat stroller..but im not sure either the quality is good or not...update me k! tq...
pls email me
IBaby Shop in Singapore, online buy Strollers, Prams, Baby warehouse sale, playpen singapore, High Chair, Changer and a wide variety of baby products to meet your baby needs.For more resources about playpen singapore
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