Sep 2, 2008

thanx everyone!!

Nadhrah, Umi & Baba would like to thank everyone who attended my small little birthday bash the other day. Thanx for coming, thanx for playing with the birthday girl, thanx for eating all the food, and thank you all for the presents. And thanx for all the wishes, for those who didn't get a chance to drop by. (And sorry for the little discomforts here and there, like the not-so-neat baby nursing room... just didn't get the time to neat the room up)

We would write more about it soon. If you have more pictures, would you mind emailing them to Umi or Baba?

On another note, Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-51 and Ramadhan Mubarak everyone!!


Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday nadhrah!sorry for the late wish, fatiha sibuk mengikut umi ke hulu hilir bekerja, may all ur dreams come true

Anonymous said...

happy belated bday nadrah!!
sorry tasneem and family cudnt make it to ur bday bash.
we went balik kampung abi.

it must be up pics ya!

MashadI~SuriyA said...

Happy belated birthday baby nadhrah..!! stay cute..!!

suka baca blog baby salam kat ummi ek..

AzFiqs said...

Nadhrah..gmbr2 masa birthday Nadhrah ari tu uncle dah upload in my flickr here:

Tapi kalau nk yg actual size suruh Baba or Ummi to inform Uncle, nanti Uncle e-mail to Baba/Ummi ek.

Wan Amira said...

sorry yeer tak dapat datang, we went to genting on that day

Anonymous said...

sori jugak xdpt dtg eeda n muiz.. fedy xabes pantang lg arituh.. xsempat nk reply xdpt dtg arituh

Anonymous said...

eh lupee!!! happy besday kakak nadhrah !!!

Anonymous said...

ala.. kita nak sangat pegi..

Anonymous said...

Hey...nama sama la dgn my do visit us k...salam perkenalan....

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