Nov 19, 2008

Friso Brings My Family Out

this is not how I want to spend my weekends...

.. because I always want to go out with Umi and Baba and play outside the house weehoo!! So when I have a chance to go to a very fun kidz sports and gym to play around, I'm not going to pass this chance! (plus, there's the small matter very tempting reward of getting a free trip to Hong Kong Disneyland for the whole family)

A Family Day out is important, first and foremost, because it's FUN! With Umi and Baba spenDing more than 8 hours at the office every weekdays, a family day out is when we have the time to bond and cherish each other.

It's when we enjoy being in each other's company, to smile and laugh with each other about all things funny.

It's the time when, together, we explore and discover the wonders of this colourful world.

It's the time to enjoy outdoor activities and be one with nature.

It's the time when we have an experience and adventure like no other that the wonderful world offers.

All in all, we love having family days just to be with each other and enjoy life.

p/s : This post is filled with clues. See if you can decipher them and get the answer!!!


iL4na said...

We want to go to Disneyland!!!! sape xnak sayang oiii :D

Anonymous said...

tapi ada banyak disneyland, mane satu nadhrah?makcik doa jadi kenyataan soon

jard said...

kitorang pon nak jugak~!!!!!!!!!!! :d

Anonymous said...

Aunty wanna go to!!

mOmmy of Triplets plus One said...

gmbar nadhrah tu sgt2 muka bapak die =)

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